Published March 19, 2022 by with 0 comment

How ‘Good Cholesterol’ May Help Lower Your Alzheimer’s Risk


How ‘Good Cholesterol’ May Help Lower Your Alzheimer’s Risk


  • HDL cholesterol is often thought of as the “good cholesterol” that helps prevent cardiovascular disease.
  • However, new research indicates it may also play a role in brain health.
  • More HDL in the brain was linked to better cognitive performance and higher levels of a peptide called amyloid-beta 42.
  • Scientists say that drugs that target HDL activity may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Several medications are under investigation at this time.


Most of the time people hear about cholesterolTrusted Source within the context of preventing cardiovascular disease.

There is the so-called “bad cholesterol,” LDL (low-density lipoproteins), which can increase your risk for clogged arteries, heart attack, and stroke when you have too much of it.

There is also the “good cholesterol,” HDL (high-density lipoproteins), which protects you by carrying cholesterol to your liver for disposal.

However, a group of researchers say HDL may also play an important role in brain health by lowing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.




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